Dallas Skate News & History — Skate Parks for Dallas

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Nicholas DiCarlo

Is there a skate park near me, or what is a skatepark master plan?

Perhaps the most common request on all of Skateparks for Dallas’ platforms (instagram, facebook, comments section) is “How do I get a skate park near me?”

The answer is a Skatepark Master Plan, and the city of Dallas needs one. The good news is pioneering Dallas Park Board Member for District 14, Amanda Schulz has been tirelessly championing to get one created for the city of Dallas. We are so thankful for Amanda’s leadership here. But now Board Member Schulz and Skateparks for Dallas needs your help, so keep reading…

The city is about to begin the public input process about needs, and your city council member and park board representative need to hear from residents in their district about interest in a skatepark. To help you out, here is a map of Dallas, and your City Council person.

  1. Find where you live on this map and Identify which Council District you live in

  2. Identify your city council member from the map

  3. Identify your Park Board representative based on their council district or email the whole board right here

  4. Find their facebook or email address listed below

  5. Send them a friendly note like the example below

  6. Send this link to your friend or neighbor who lives in the city and ask them to do the same

  7. Tag @DallasParksRec and your friends in social media to spread the word

Dear Council Member {Lastname}

My name is { ____ } and I live in your district on {street name, zip code}. I am (or) my kids are {skateboarders, bmx riders, or inline skaters} and we would love to have a concrete skate park in our district. Perhaps {local park} would be a good location, because {your reason}. I understand that the Parks & Recreation Department is considering a Skatepark Master Plan and I support this effort as a priority for our city. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at {email address or phone number} if you would like to discuss further.


{your name}

If the Park Board calls you about the Skatepark Master plan, here are some talking points

In case a Dallas Parks Representative calls you about skateparks:

--I know a large regional skatepark is going to be built at Bachman Lake, but we need local, neighborhood modern, concrete skateparks for kids who are not driving age and whose parents can't take them all across town.

--We also need a Skatepark Master Plan to determine where these parks go.

--Skateparks provide exercise, a sense of accomplishment, and get kids off the computer screens, engaging with other neighborhood kids.

--They are not only used by skateboarders, but by kids who scooter, bike and roller blade.

--Skateparks are a place for all ages, but also a place for kids who have outgrown the playground.

--We have hundreds of basketball and tennis courts in every Dallas neighborhood, so why not some skateparks. 

City Council Member Contact Info (based on their public facebook pages)

Park Board Member Contact Form

  • Park Board President and D13 representative Calvert Collins-Bratton has been a big supporter of the Bachman skatepark

  • Anthony Becker is the Park Board manager and secretary - anthony.becker@dallascityhall.com

  • District 1: Barbara Barbee

  • District 2: Fonya Mondell

  • District 3: Taylor Toynes

  • District 4: Harrison Blair

  • District 5: Lorena Tule-Romain

  • District 6: Timothy Dickey, long time supporter of the Bachman Skatepark

  • District 7: Daniel Wood

  • District 8: Bo Slaughter

  • District 9: Maria Hasbany

  • District 10: Robb Stewart

  • District 11: Jeff Kitner

  • District 12: Lane Conner - lane.conner@dallascityhall.com

  • District 14: Amanda Schulz, our skatepark master plan pioneer

Garland Skatepark at Rick Oden Park

The city of Garland has a $10 Million project underway at Rick Oden Park.

SPA Skateparks has created conceptual designs of the park. The design includes a street / plaza area, a bowl / transition area and a beginner’s area, with features literally from A to Z. Check out the concept map and key below.

concept design rick oden park skateparks of austin

This line drawing overlays the skatepark location on the map of the existing park, plus the additional facilities that are being built as part of a comprehensive park update

park location

With distinct transition, street and beginners area the Garland Skatepark is looking like a great spot for skaters of all abilities. The emphasis on shade structures also shows this will be a great spot 365 days per year

We are looking forward to chatting with Mayor Pro Tem Rich Aubin about his vision for Rick Oden Park and how we brought this to fruition. Very exciting stuff! See the concept design at the project webpage of the City of Garland


Skatepark Contract Passes Dallas City Council!

On December 9, 2020, the Dallas City Council approved the design phase of the skatepark contract on December 9, 2020. Extremely exciting moment for the skateboarding community in Dallas

December 9, 2020

WHEREAS, on November 7, 2019, a Request for Qualifications was issued for Engineering and Landscape Architecture Consulting Services for design of a Bachman Lake Skatepark Improvements Project in the 2017 Bond Program; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with Administrative Directive 4-5, Team Pain Enterprises, Inc. was selected as the most qualified consultant for the Bachman Lake Skatepark Improvements Project; and

WHEREAS, it is now desirable to authorize a professional services contract with Team Pain Enterprises, Inc. for the Bachman Lake Skatepark Improvements Project at Bachman Lake Park located at 3500 West Northwest Highway, in an amount not to exceed $319,127.00.

Now, Therefore,


SECTION 1. That the President of the Park and Recreation Board and City Manager are hereby authorized to execute a professional services contract with Team Pain Enterprises, Inc., approved as to form by the City Attorney, for schematic design, design development, construction documents, procurement and construction observation phases for the Bachman Lake Skatepark Improvements Project at Bachman Lake Park located at 3500 West Northwest Highway, in an amount not to exceed $319,127.00.

SECTION 2. That the Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to disburse funds in an amount not to exceed $319,127.00 to Team Pain Enterprises, Inc. from Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund, Fund 1V00, Department PKR, Unit VB11, Object 4111, Activity RFSI, Program PK17VB11, Encumbrance/Contract No. PKR-2020-00014733, Commodity 92500, Vendor VC21990.

SECTION 3. That this resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Dallas, and it is accordingly so resolved.

Skateboard Art for A Good Cause in Dallas - October 6 at Guapo Skateboards

Switch Life Art Show Flyer

Our friends at SwitchLife.org, Josh & Sarah are hosting an art show & skateboard contest at Guapo Skateboards on October 6 from 6pm until 10pm. The event will feature skateboard themed art from over 20 local DFW area artists, as well as a Junior Best Trick, Open Bowl Jam and Open Street Best Trick contest. The full details of the event are available on their Facebook page. All are welcome to attend.

SwitchLife provides free skateboard lessons to at risk kids, and the art show is a fundraiser to support ongoing programming. Organizations like The Family Place and Hope Kids have partnered with SwitchLife to provide skateboard lessons for kids in their programs. Read our full profile of SwitchLife HERE.

The Dallas skateboard community is an extremely active community with a regular calendar of events. Guapo Skateboards recently opened the Texas Skateboard Museum. The visionary collector behind the Texas Skateboard Museum, Al Coker recently highlighted the graphical history of skateboarding on his Instagram account.

Texas Skateboard Museum Al Coker Instagram

The “Dallas Dames” are hosting a Skateboard Jam at 4DWN on October 20th. More information to follow on their event. While you are anxiously awaiting the SwitchLife Art Show Fundraiser, check out some of the art work you can buy at the event.

Board donated by @tetrahedron333

Board donated by @tetrahedron333

Board donated by @MungoArt

Board donated by @MungoArt

Board donated by Israel Flores III

Board donated by Israel Flores III

Board donated by Vato Loco

Board donated by Vato Loco

Boards donated by Bill Geiger

Boards donated by Bill Geiger

Board donated by Anthony Pham

Board donated by Anthony Pham

Bachman Lake Skatepark Idea Session, June 2018

Dallas recently played host to an amazing skate competition hosted by 4DWN, which drew skaters from hours away to try out the new skate bowl and compete with friends. One of those visitors is a renaissance man and all around talented guy named Ryan Crane.

  • Ryan is a professional architect in his home town of Bartlesville, OK.

  • Ryan created the 7ply Art of Skateboarding show at Price Tower

  • Ryan also worked with the city of Bartlesville to get a new skatepark approved by bond referendum (like Dallas), as part of the Bartlesville Skatepark Initiative

  • And Ryan is a skatepark designer

Read more about Ryan Crane's journey

SP4D invited Ryan to make a visit to Bachman Lake with local skaters to discuss the site, share what is known at this time, and start thinking of ideas for how this location can be converted into an amazing skatepark. Ryan is working on putting the ideas to paper and we will keep you posted right here. His work will be inspiration, idea-generating, and a vehicle for additional communication with Dallas skaters, but it is not the skatepark's official design. 

Want to stay up to date? Join the email list!


We gathered a group of local skaters to visit the site with Ryan and discuss ideas and share local knowledge about the skate scene in Dallas. #ImOnBoard & Skateparks for Dallas is a project of the Dallas Parks Foundation

Jay Paul Sanchez, Clinton Haley, Warren Christie, Eric Eley and Ryan Crane

Jay Paul Sanchez, Clinton Haley, Warren Christie, Eric Eley and Ryan Crane

Here is the group standing on the dam of Bachman Lake, overlooking the Dallas Parks & Recreation department maintenance facility that will become the skatepark. Behind them is Bachman Lake and Dallas Love Field airport, home of Southwest Airlines.

Dallas Parks Maintenance facility will become the skatepark

For some context, here is the group discussing the park with Bachman Lake at their backs. It is a beautiful location.

Below is the current Dallas Parks & Recreation Maintenance Facility that will be moved to another site to make space for the skatepark and other recreational facilities. The DART rail line, and Bachman Station are right behind the park. The Orange & Green Line will bring you to this station from Downtown, DFW Airport or Carrollton & Farmer's Branch. The station is very close to this site, so this will be a truly accessible park.

Old Bachman Maintenance Facility
Old Park Maintenance Facility

One aspect of the site that stood out to the group during the visit was the extensive shade trees that are present on the property. As Ryan looks at the site, he will fit as many of these trees into the conceptual design as possible providing natural shade and preserving the beauty of the location.

Extensive Shade Trees on site
Extensive Shade, New Building
Group Discussion

The group visited SkateparksforDallas.org to review the project goals that we have shared on our site, and discuss how these goals can be applied to this location.

  • A 30,000-75,000 square foot, permanent, poured-in concrete skatepark

  • Features suitable for skaters of all levels

  • A venue that can attract community contests and events

  • Accessible by multiple modes of transit, including DART and bike/walk

  • A true public amenity, where families can skate together, or just watch the talented young people of the city of Dallas, with benches and shade.

  • Skateboard-appropriate lighting for night skating

Additional ideas that came out from the discussion included

  • Ensure a family friendly location through design. Parents can bring their kids to skate in, and then go get exercise around the trails or visit the Bachman Recreation Center

  • This location lends itself to spectating, with the elevated trails that pass right by the park, so let's provide a comfortable access from DART as well as from the trails.

  • Include public art, potentially skateable, art.

  • Represent the history of Dallas skateboarding in the features and art, including some of the famous ramps from the old Northwest Highway park, and other popular local, historic, skate spots

  • Key amenities like shade, rest rooms, benches, and water fountains

Do you have history of Dallas skateboarding that you want to share? Email us at info@dallasparksfoundation.org to share, or join the email list.

Thank you to Ryan Crane for making the time to visit Bachman Lake while visiting Dallas. If you can visit the Price Tower in Bartlesville, be sure to visit the 7ply: The Art of Skateboarding show while you are there. Price Tower is a Frank Lloyd Wright skyscraper, and the art show is an impressive compilation from national artists. 

Thank you to Eric, Warren, & Jay Paul for joining Skateparks for Dallas at Bachman to provide local skater input to the idea session.

Don't forget to join the email list to stay up to date.

4DWN Skatepark hosts the Craig Johnson Bowl Jam, June 2 2018

4DWN Skatepark is in the Cedars, near downtown Dallas. They hosted an amazing skate event on June 2, 2018, called the Craig Johnson Bowl Jam, featuring skate competitions for Open, Masters, and Sponsored skaters. Skaters from all around Texas and surrounding states made the visit to see the new bowl, spend time with friends and compete. Check out these photos, courtesy Clinton Haley

Skateboarding is a 2020 Olympic Sport in Tokyo

Tokyo Olympics 2020

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games have added skateboarding to the program. Skating itself is already a huge and globally popular sport, so this move is a chance for the Olympics to attract a new audience. Many skateboarding (and surfing) participants have long rallied against the mainstreaming of the sport(s), but this feels like a recognition that skating is undeniable on a global stage.

The event will have 40 male and 40 female competitors, and they will compete in Park and Street The venue is the Aomi Urban Sports Venue is in the northern part of Tokyo's Ariake district an iconic waterfront area of the Japanese capital. They will install a competition course in the venue specifically for the Olympics.

For more reading: 

Boardworld Australia has a good roundup, apparently the Aussies plan to go hard

Shaun White wants to compete in the 2020 Olympics as a skateboarder

A considered position on skateboarding's position as an alternative to 'mainstream' sports vs. commercial success that has propelled skating to the forefront of culture

China is building up a skateboarding competition team

Official Tokyo 2020 Skateboarding Coverage