Is there a skate park near me, or what is a skatepark master plan? — Skate Parks for Dallas

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Is there a skate park near me, or what is a skatepark master plan?

Perhaps the most common request on all of Skateparks for Dallas’ platforms (instagram, facebook, comments section) is “How do I get a skate park near me?”

The answer is a Skatepark Master Plan, and the city of Dallas needs one. The good news is pioneering Dallas Park Board Member for District 14, Amanda Schulz has been tirelessly championing to get one created for the city of Dallas. We are so thankful for Amanda’s leadership here. But now Board Member Schulz and Skateparks for Dallas needs your help, so keep reading…

The city is about to begin the public input process about needs, and your city council member and park board representative need to hear from residents in their district about interest in a skatepark. To help you out, here is a map of Dallas, and your City Council person.

  1. Find where you live on this map and Identify which Council District you live in

  2. Identify your city council member from the map

  3. Identify your Park Board representative based on their council district or email the whole board right here

  4. Find their facebook or email address listed below

  5. Send them a friendly note like the example below

  6. Send this link to your friend or neighbor who lives in the city and ask them to do the same

  7. Tag @DallasParksRec and your friends in social media to spread the word

Dear Council Member {Lastname}

My name is { ____ } and I live in your district on {street name, zip code}. I am (or) my kids are {skateboarders, bmx riders, or inline skaters} and we would love to have a concrete skate park in our district. Perhaps {local park} would be a good location, because {your reason}. I understand that the Parks & Recreation Department is considering a Skatepark Master Plan and I support this effort as a priority for our city. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at {email address or phone number} if you would like to discuss further.


{your name}

If the Park Board calls you about the Skatepark Master plan, here are some talking points

In case a Dallas Parks Representative calls you about skateparks:

--I know a large regional skatepark is going to be built at Bachman Lake, but we need local, neighborhood modern, concrete skateparks for kids who are not driving age and whose parents can't take them all across town.

--We also need a Skatepark Master Plan to determine where these parks go.

--Skateparks provide exercise, a sense of accomplishment, and get kids off the computer screens, engaging with other neighborhood kids.

--They are not only used by skateboarders, but by kids who scooter, bike and roller blade.

--Skateparks are a place for all ages, but also a place for kids who have outgrown the playground.

--We have hundreds of basketball and tennis courts in every Dallas neighborhood, so why not some skateparks. 

City Council Member Contact Info (based on their public facebook pages)

Park Board Member Contact Form

  • Park Board President and D13 representative Calvert Collins-Bratton has been a big supporter of the Bachman skatepark

  • Anthony Becker is the Park Board manager and secretary -

  • District 1: Barbara Barbee

  • District 2: Fonya Mondell

  • District 3: Taylor Toynes

  • District 4: Harrison Blair

  • District 5: Lorena Tule-Romain

  • District 6: Timothy Dickey, long time supporter of the Bachman Skatepark

  • District 7: Daniel Wood

  • District 8: Bo Slaughter

  • District 9: Maria Hasbany

  • District 10: Robb Stewart

  • District 11: Jeff Kitner

  • District 12: Lane Conner -

  • District 14: Amanda Schulz, our skatepark master plan pioneer
