The Dallas Morning News's Robert Wilonsky Covers the Bachman Lake & the Skatepark — Skate Parks for Dallas

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The Dallas Morning News's Robert Wilonsky Covers the Bachman Lake & the Skatepark

Dallas Morning News Headline

Skateparks for Dallas recently received coverage in the by city columnist Robert Wilonsky. Robert has a long history of championing the city and we were thankful to be linked to in his article.


Dallas Water Utilities is going to repair and restore the 205 acre lake that more than a century ago was Dallas’ first-ever drinking water source.

Richard Wagner, a DWU Assistant Director confirmed that Bachman Lake will finally be dredged.

In recent years, the city considered several options for Bachman Lake, each intended to save money or avoid the inevitable fixes as much as possible. Each would have shrunk the lake’s footprint. A task force of six citizens appointed by Council Member Gates, Narvaez and Medrano put a stop to that: All voted for the “maintain the lake” option

Read the article here:

Skateparks for Dallas’s own Clinton Haley was one of the six citizens on the committee, so the skatepark was well represented in the process.
