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Skatepark Contract Passes Dallas City Council!

On December 9, 2020, the Dallas City Council approved the design phase of the skatepark contract on December 9, 2020. Extremely exciting moment for the skateboarding community in Dallas

December 9, 2020

WHEREAS, on November 7, 2019, a Request for Qualifications was issued for Engineering and Landscape Architecture Consulting Services for design of a Bachman Lake Skatepark Improvements Project in the 2017 Bond Program; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with Administrative Directive 4-5, Team Pain Enterprises, Inc. was selected as the most qualified consultant for the Bachman Lake Skatepark Improvements Project; and

WHEREAS, it is now desirable to authorize a professional services contract with Team Pain Enterprises, Inc. for the Bachman Lake Skatepark Improvements Project at Bachman Lake Park located at 3500 West Northwest Highway, in an amount not to exceed $319,127.00.

Now, Therefore,


SECTION 1. That the President of the Park and Recreation Board and City Manager are hereby authorized to execute a professional services contract with Team Pain Enterprises, Inc., approved as to form by the City Attorney, for schematic design, design development, construction documents, procurement and construction observation phases for the Bachman Lake Skatepark Improvements Project at Bachman Lake Park located at 3500 West Northwest Highway, in an amount not to exceed $319,127.00.

SECTION 2. That the Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to disburse funds in an amount not to exceed $319,127.00 to Team Pain Enterprises, Inc. from Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund, Fund 1V00, Department PKR, Unit VB11, Object 4111, Activity RFSI, Program PK17VB11, Encumbrance/Contract No. PKR-2020-00014733, Commodity 92500, Vendor VC21990.

SECTION 3. That this resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Dallas, and it is accordingly so resolved.