We are assembling an email list so that we can keep track of everyone who supports having a publicly accessible, high quality, outdoor concrete skatepark in Dallas. This project can be very valuable for the community of skaters who are already in Dallas, and those who are choosing where to make their next move.
By assembling as big of a list as possible, that helps us let everyone know how important having this park built is. The bigger this list, the better! We are only using this list for the purposes of Skate Parks for Dallas, not for any commercial reason.
Read more about skaters in our community, skatepark builders and much more in our list of blog posts below. You can email us at info@skateparksfordallas.org

Watch the short documentary about how a high school student helped fast-growing Anna, TX outside of DFW get an amazing skatepark and pump track
City of Dallas broke ground on the Bachman Lake Skatepark on March 28, 2024. See the event highlights here.
Groundbreaking for the Bachman Lake Skatepark with the Mayor of Dallas
Clinton Haley, Founder of Skateparks for Dallas provides an important update on the Glencoe Skatepark
Oak Cliff Skatepark design session with New Line Skateparks and Dallas Park Board Representative JR Huerta and a huge number of local citizens
Learn about the Garland Skatepark opening and how the community made it happen
The shared experiences of skatepark advocacy around the country. Go Athens Go!