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4DWN Skatepark hosts the Craig Johnson Bowl Jam, June 2 2018

4DWN Skatepark is in the Cedars, near downtown Dallas. They hosted an amazing skate event on June 2, 2018, called the Craig Johnson Bowl Jam, featuring skate competitions for Open, Masters, and Sponsored skaters. Skaters from all around Texas and surrounding states made the visit to see the new bowl, spend time with friends and compete. Check out these photos, courtesy Clinton Haley

Skateboarding is a 2020 Olympic Sport in Tokyo

Tokyo Olympics 2020

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games have added skateboarding to the program. Skating itself is already a huge and globally popular sport, so this move is a chance for the Olympics to attract a new audience. Many skateboarding (and surfing) participants have long rallied against the mainstreaming of the sport(s), but this feels like a recognition that skating is undeniable on a global stage.

The event will have 40 male and 40 female competitors, and they will compete in Park and Street The venue is the Aomi Urban Sports Venue is in the northern part of Tokyo's Ariake district an iconic waterfront area of the Japanese capital. They will install a competition course in the venue specifically for the Olympics.

For more reading: 

Boardworld Australia has a good roundup, apparently the Aussies plan to go hard

Shaun White wants to compete in the 2020 Olympics as a skateboarder

A considered position on skateboarding's position as an alternative to 'mainstream' sports vs. commercial success that has propelled skating to the forefront of culture

China is building up a skateboarding competition team

Official Tokyo 2020 Skateboarding Coverage